Monday, June 22, 2009

table manners

"Eat with your right hand and eat from what is nearest to you" Using the right hand for eating is what the Prophet(pbuh) advised us not only is this a sanitary because we use the left to clean ourselves . I know you may be thinking today we have soap and water readily available but still some places in the world are still lacking these facilities and if we are out isn't it great we have this to rely on if a catastrophe may occur. We also know in many families people eat from one plate (saves on washing dishes:)) and I know I hate it when someone touches my food Abu Muhammad did this alot to me when we first married as a way of encouraging me to eat that's another story but after learning about this hadith of not letting your hand roam all over the plate and eating whats closest to you so that all can get the blessings that are in the middle of the plate I quickly let him know. Here are some table manners we should try to incorporate
*sit down while eating
*eat together and share with relatives, friends, neighbors and the needy
*serve others first
*host should begin eating and be the last to eat
*take a smaller portion than what is needed
*no wasting eat your plate clean
*wait for everyone to finish eating before leaving the eating spread
*wash and brush teeth before eating and after
*mention and praise Allah(swt) before and after eating

1 comment:

Yasmeen said...

Beautiful hadith,makes lot of sense when eating from same plate:)