Friday, July 17, 2009

Halal Honey

There are so many benefits of honey, we can use it as a cold medicine or as an ointment for skin care, The Prophet(pbuh) prescribe its a medicine and not only that he(pbuh) love to eat it, which led his wives to jealousy, this is how the story goes, His wife Zainab bint Jahash(ra) used to get this type of honey he really enjoyed so it would delay him in visiting his other wives, this upset Aishah so she, Hafsah and Saudah concocted a plan to tell the messenger that he had bad breath, after hearing 3 of his wives tell him this he swore off honey but Allah(swt) knows best and said O Prophet, why do you prohibit [yourself from] what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking the approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Alhamdulillah for this ayat or we all may not have been able to have the benefits of honey.

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