Friday, October 9, 2009

Jinnejobe (ngalakh)

4 cups bouye or any tropical juice
1 cup peanut butter
1/4 can milk(optional)

blend all ingredients well, a blender is ideal, put in a container and place in fridge to cool

4 cups cooked millet or couscous

dish out warm millet in bowls and serve cooled jinnejobe over, you can add any dried or fresh fruit. I would eat this at breakfast as it is really filling.

This is also called ngalakh check out the recipe in the congo cookbook i don't usually have orange flower water on hand so i didn't include it in the recipe.

1 comment:

Nammi said...

Very unusual name. hope you get good pandan leaves, you can save dry them up them so they wont go mouldy. Hope you have good weekend