Friday, August 21, 2009


You will be crying tears of joy after eating this:) This is a very popular West African dish, enjoy!

2 or 3 pounds of fish or meat (chicken is traditionally used) cut to your liking
4 or 5 onions sliced thin
1/2 cup of lemon or lime juice (you can use vinegar just use 1/4 cup)
1/2 cup of oil
2 habanero peppers
1 bouillon cube
salt and pepper
dash of sugar
1/4 cup sliced green olives (optional)
2 tsp curry powder (optional if you want unique flavor)

mix all ingredients in a large plastic bowl except habanero peppers and curry

remove chicken, bake, fry or grill chicken (grilling is tastier) until cooked, set aside

remove onions from marinade and fry until translucent add marinade, curry powder if using, habanero peppers and cooked chicken, simmer until slightly thickened, if needed add water 1/4 cup at a time.

serve over rice


Nammi said...

What kind of oil do you use? Olive oil or just plain vegetable oil? WIll give a it a go during this fasting season :) .

umm muhammad said...

I just use vegetable oil